The high-quality precision turned parts from Andres AG are widely used in products from the most diverse industries.
We deliver parts that are ready for installation, including secondary operations and surface treatments.
As a small industrial business we look after our customers personally, manufacture using the latest technology and comply with short delivery times.
65 years of experience and fresh enthusiasm for new discoveries.
«For the manufacture of our eye-surgery-instruments we are dependent on 100% quality deliveries of our suppliers.
Andres AG is our supplier for precision turned parts, which we process to our complete instruments ready for use.
Beside the qualified deliveries, Andres AG was also a big help for the introduction and realization of a KANBAN order-system.
Since many years we get all deliveries within the requested quality and on time of the confirmed delivery dates.
I recommend Andres AG as a reliable, competent supplier and partner for technically outstanding precision turned parts. »